Dina Taylor, LMFT License #MFC28767
Offering in-person and online therapy
(818) 645-7308 Lancaster, CA
Q: Do you have a physical office?
A: Yes. I have an office in Lancaster, CA. I also provide online therapy for clients who are out of the area, or who prefer online therapy sessions.
Q: How long is each session?
A: Sessions are 50 minutes in length.
Q: How much does it cost?
A: Individual, couples, or family therapy-50 minutes:
In-Person: $120 per session
Virtual $120 per session.
Equine or Animal Assisted Therapy at STRIDES Ranch-90 minutes: $200.00 per session.
Q: Do you accept insurance?
A: I do not accept insurance at tis time.
Q: How often do you recommend attending sessions?
A: In general, clients attend sessions on a weekly basis.
Q: How long will it take?
A: That is dependent on your level of motivation and the severity of your symptoms.
Most clients start to feel symptom relief at the first session.
Q: Can you prescribe medication?
A: No. Only a doctor or Psychiatrist with a medical license can prescribe medications.
If you are currently under the care of a Psychiatrist, and would like me to consult with them, I would be happy to do so to provide continuity of care.
Q: Do you treat Substance Abuse/Addictions?
A: I am happy to work with clients who are actively in recovery and are concurrently working with a
substance abuse counselor.
Q: How do you protect my confidential information?
A: Client information is kept confidential and in accordance with HIIPA regulations.
Q: Where do you do Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Sessions?
A: Sessions take place at STRIDES Ranch in Palmdale, CA.
Q: How do I schedule a session?
A: Click the link below to get started.